Our Offerings
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Our Mission
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The OCS Community
OCS parents have through the years shared a vision of a school that is both a safe haven for children and a place that is intimately connected to its immediate environment, our local communities, south Puget Sound and the world. We constantly look to our parent community, and the activities and interests of our Olympia neighbors to find ways to make our school connected to the greater challenge of building and sustaining a just and sustainable society.
Self- Governance
The Board of Directors is elected by parents, meets monthly, and is ultimately responsible for the values and operations of the school. Our teachers are supported by teaching interns drawn from local colleges, and several tuition reduction positions staffed by parents. The Board of Directors delegates tasks to standing or temporary committees. Daily operations are managed by three integrated teams that provide educational services for our children, manage the physical plant and daily administration of the school, and insure the economic health of our shared institution.